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    来源:https://www.jnqhmj.com/ 日期:2022-10-13 发布人:admin

    Hardness is one of the important properties of Shandong die steel. It is a key topic to improve the quality, manufacturing level and extend the service life of the die. Now let's take a look at the hardness testing method reference of die steel.
    Die steel is the main material of die industry. Die steel should have different characteristics according to different service conditions, environments and states of dies. In industrial production, the service life of the mold and the precision, quality and appearance performance of the parts made are related to the design technology and manufacturing precision of the mold, as well as the precision and manufacturing operation of the machine tool. In addition, it is also crucial to correctly select mold materials and correctly implement the heat treatment process. Data shows that the early failure of the mold is caused by improper selection of materials and internal defects of materials, accounting for about 10%, And about 49% of them are caused by improper heat treatment.
    Hardness is an important performance index of mold materials and finished molds. The stress state of the mold during working is complex. For example, the hot working mold usually bears the alternating stress under the alternating temperature field, so it should have a good ability to prevent the mold from changing into a soft or plastic state, and still maintain the shape and dimensional accuracy of the mold under a long-term working environment. Generally, the hardness of finished molds is 59 to 60HRC for cold working molds and about 48HRC for hot working molds.
    Wear resistance is also an important performance index of the finished mold. The relative movement between the metal and the surface of the die cavity during the forming of the part has worn the surface of the die cavity, so that the size, shape, accuracy and surface roughness of the die change and become invalid. The wear resistance of the mold is determined by the heat treatment of the mold, especially the surface heat treatment. The main basis for evaluating the wear resistance of the mold is hardness.
    The hardness test of die steel is mainly aimed at three situations, namely, the hardness test of die steel materials, the hardness test of semi-finished dies after heat treatment and the surface hardness test of die surfaces requiring high wear resistance after heat treatment.
    Die steel in the supply state is mainly forged steel plates, steel blocks or steel bars, which are generally supplied in the annealed state. Some plastic mould steels are also supplied in the pre hardening state (quenching and tempering treatment), and users can directly process them into moulds without subsequent heat treatment.
    Hardness is one of the important properties of die steel. The heat treatment quality and service performance of dies are usually judged on the basis of hardness. Follow us https://www.jnqhmj.com , take you to learn more about relevant matters!






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