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    来源:https://www.jnqhmj.com/ 日期:2020-11-19 发布人:admin

    Hot working die steel refers to the alloy tool steel suitable for making dies for hot deformation of metal, such as hot forging die, hot extrusion die, die casting die, hot upsetting die, etc. Because the hot working die has been working under high temperature and high pressure for a long time, the die material is required to have higher strength, hardness and thermal stability, especially high thermal strength, thermal fatigue, toughness and wear resistance.
    The hot working die bears a great impact force when it works. The mold cavity contacts with the high temperature metal and repeatedly heats and cools, so the working conditions are extremely bad. In order to meet the requirements of hot working die, hot work die steel should have the following basic characteristics:
    (1) High thermal stability. Thermal stability refers to the ability of steel to maintain its mechanical properties at room temperature for a long time at high temperature. When hot working die works, it contacts hot metal, even liquid metal, so the surface temperature of die is very high, generally 400-700 ℃. This requires that the hot working die steel does not heat at high temperature and has high thermal stability, otherwise the die will be plastic deformation, resulting in collapse and failure.

    (2) The working characteristic of the hot working die is that it is heated and cooled repeatedly, and the die expands when heated and shrinks at the same time, forming a large thermal stress, and the thermal stress is produced alternately in the opposite direction. Under the action of repeated thermal stress, the surface of die will form network cracks (cracking), which is called thermal fatigue. The premature fracture of die due to thermal fatigue is one of the main reasons for the failure of hot working die. Therefore, hot working die steel must have good thermal fatigue.
    (3) High temperature strength and good toughness. The hot working die, especially the hot forging die, bears a great impact force when it works, and the impact frequency is very high. If the die does not have high strength and good toughness, it is easy to crack.
    (4) Good wear resistance, because the hot working die is not only subject to friction and wear when the blank is deformed, but also subject to high temperature oxidation corrosion and iron oxide chips grinding, so hot work die steel is required to have high hardness and adhesion resistance.
    (5) Good thermal conductivity. In order to make the die not accumulate too much heat, leading to the decline of mechanical properties, it is necessary to reduce the die surface temperature and the temperature difference inside the mold as far as possible, which requires the hot working die steel to have good heat conduction performance.
    (6) In order to meet the needs of processing and forming, good forming process performance is needed.
    (7) High hardenability. Hot work die steel is generally large in size, especially in hot forging die. In order to make the mechanical properties of the whole die section uniform, it requires high hardenability of hot work die steel.






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